Make the Most Out of Every Transaction with Payment Processing for Online Shopping and Membership Club Accounts
As a business that caters to providing customers with the best value for their dollar, you understand the importance of making every cent count. Too often, credit card processors can overcharge you in fees for standard services because of a single designation. These processors consider online shopping and membership club accounts high-risk, which results in harsher conditions and more struggles for those who run online marketplaces.
Let Premier One offer a solution that works. Our team has experience with businesses that have a hard time finding proper support from other payment processors. We recognize both the cause and effect of processors applying a “high-risk account” label. There’s even a risk that predatory processors would take advantage of hard-working business owners. Our approach is different from the rest, however. Keep reading below to learn how we prioritize your needs and always offer a cost-effective service.
How a High Risk Merchant Account Label Impacts Your Business
Unfortunately, this label is not just for show. As an online shop and membership club, you must operate with several restrictions or penalties. Credit card processors generally apply these penalties as a matter of course without considering your individual business. As you seek a merchant account processor to help your business meet its financial needs, you should bear these conditions in mind:
- Due to the increased rate of chargebacks and fraud among online transactions, credit card processors are more likely to have to refund transactions that happen as a result of dishonest consumer behavior. No matter how diligent your store is, credit card processors will ultimately charge you higher rates for the anticipated expense of fraud that your customers may commit.
- Often, online shops operate internationally, which makes the law muddier regarding them. There’s an added risk of consumer fraud, potential hazards from selling to other legal jurisdictions, and significant questions of how companies will properly identify their customers.
- Merchant processors see new businesses as higher-risk customers because of a minimal track record. Because each online shopping & membership club merchant account needs to process credit card transactions from day one, many new accounts are with growing businesses. Therefore, processors tend to be hesitant when providing credit card processing to online shopping accounts. As a result, processors tend to charge these businesses more money for the same service.
For these reasons, online merchants must deal with the “high-risk” designation. Some processors go so far as to take advantage of companies with this label, so you must be careful to avoid these predatory processors.
How You Can Identify Predatory Payment Processors
As mentioned, some credit processors take a reasonable designation and use it to extract too much money from businesses. These processors cross a line and enter into predatory territory when they force conditions that seriously hinder your ability to do your job. Although there are many ways that this can manifest, the following policies are common signs that you may be dealing with a predatory processor:
- Minimal Chargeback Defense – Fraud is something that affects everyone at some point, but many chargebacks are done in error or maliciously by a legitimate customer. If your processor is unwilling to investigate the dispute and instead immediately sides with the customer in every circumstance, then you may be working with a predatory processor.
- Minimal Customer Service – Another major red flag is when your processor fails to provide any significant customer service, especially after they’ve completed the sale. Before signing a contract, you may get vague promises, but the actuality will lag far behind what they initially said. They will fail to help you get the service that you need and for which you are paying.
- Hidden Fees – Generally, credit card processing and merchant accounts should be straightforward. You should receive a clear account of what the service will cost, and then you should experience it as promised. When there’s a gulf between your expectations and reality, though, you may be working with a predatory processor. Often, you’ll find hidden fees appear during the length of the contract, usually starting from day one.
We strongly encourage you to consider these points and trust your gut when it comes to working with these processors. If you get an odd feeling from the sales or support team, it’s probably for a reason. If you seek a processor that doesn’t exhibit predatory behavior, then you can continue to serve your customers as you protect your online shop.

How Premier One Is a Trustworthy Payment Processor
We do things differently from other processors. We strive to ensure that our policies straightforward, honest, and easy to understand. Our team takes an equitable approach and will offer you a fair rate for your credit card processing, as well as an honest approach to doing business with you. There are several specific ways that we’ll assist your business with exceptional service:
- We don’t overcharge you compared to the standard market rate. We’ll reasonably consider risk factors, industry standards, and the unique aspects of your business to craft an individual rate and policy for you. When we work with you, all factors related to your business matter, and we’ll consider them all.
- Our customer support team is always available when you need them. Any time that you have a question, concern, or issue, our team will help you. Regardless of whether you experience a problem with our service or individual transactions, we will respond promptly. We know that our assistance can make the difference between completing a sale or not, so we’re here for you when you need us.
- We handle all aspects of online shop and membership account credit card processing. If you need a subscription service, we’ll ensure that the charge occurs at the scheduled time each subscription period so that you get your money and your customers don’t get any surprises.
- Our team will never leave you waiting when you’re considering switching processors or are just getting your business started. We strive to eliminate the lag time between your application and when you can start accepting payments. Our team examines each application and approves most requests within 48 hours. You’ll know quickly that you have the means to take payments online and not have to worry about unnecessary waiting periods.
Let us help you with exceptional support for your merchant account, everywhere you do business. We take a unique approach to provide credit card processing so that you can enjoy smooth transactions without having to pay any unnecessary fees for the service.
Let Premier One Help You as an Expert Payment Processor
We can integrate any kind of digital payment that you need for your website. No matter what your customers prefer to use to pay for your services, you’ll be able to make the sale and turn the profit that you need to thrive in your business. Move past what you’ve done before and start to work with Premier One for a modern, successful approach to payment processing. We invite you to work with an honest, dedicated team that wants to help businesses just like yours succeed in the industry. Reach out to us today to review your needs and discover how we can work together in a way that benefits you and your customers.
Learn More about Premier One and Our Merchant Accounts for Online Shopping and Membership Club
Our team takes an equitable approach and will offer you a fair rate for your credit card processing, as well as an honest approach to doing business with you.
Payment Processing
- E-Check
- Chargeback Protection
- Credit Card Processing
- Mobile Payments
- Multiple Payment Solutions
Merchant Account Experts
- Fast Debt Collection Account Approval
- High Risk Accounts
- Domestic or Offshore Merchant Account
- POS/Terminals
- No Set Up Fees
- We’re not just credit cards. And neither is your business. By providing eCheck options to customers, you increase business… and the speed at which you get paid!
- High-volume, high risk merchant processing solutions include load-balancing gateways and multiple MIDS. Beyond secure terminals and speedy payments, you’ll have the support of a high-risk specialist on your speed-dial.